19 August 2009

Liskula Cohen

*** Announcer Voice Over ***

People did not see it coming...
No one ... realized ... Until it was too late.
See how one person's decision on August 18th 2009 affected a whole country and destroyed the whole court system.

** Cut to Movie trailer **
** Fade In **

Girl sues classmate for $2.5 Million over Skank Comment.

Date: 20 May 2013
Place: Springfield Supreme Court

Court Reporter: Let’s listen in on the case that is already in progress.

Lawyer (Mr. Johnson): So Ms. Smith you are claiming that comments made by the defendant caused you great harm?
Smith: Yes.
Mr. Johnson: What did the defendant say?
Smith: The defendant and her high and mighty friends...
Defending Lawyer (Mr. Green): Objection, comments about her friends are being inflammatory.
Judge: Sustain, Ms. Smith please refrain from such comments.
Smith: Sorry
Judge: Continue
Smith: The defendant, Ms. Jones, used to start teasing me at the beginning of the school year because I was not part of her circle of friends. This actually started back in the Freshman Year, when I just wanted to focus on studies and try to get a good chance to go to college. You know? I was able to ignore it for the first year. Then in my sophomore year it got a lot worse.

** Smith starts to break down and cries for a bit, her Lawyer hands her a handkerchief **

Smith Continues: Ms. Jones started to get her friends involved in teasing me. I could not take it anymore.
Johnson the Lawyer: What was the worst thing she said?
Smith: She called me a SKANK and a WHORE! She also said I did drugs also!!!

** Court gasps in shock. Smith breaks down and cries again **

Johnson the Lawyer: What did this do to you??
Smith: My life was ruined throughout High School. You see ** Smith looks at the Judge ** I never used drugs and I was still a virgin at the time, in fact I am still a virgin because of Ms. Jones's comments.
Johnson the Lawyer: How did those comments prevent you from having sex?
Smith: No one wanted to touch me!! No one wanted to be involved with a drug crazed skanking whore!! No one wanted to talk to me!!! I did not even get asked out to go to the prom! The guys I asked would not want anything to do with me also!! SHE RUINED MY LIFE!!!

Johnson the Lawyer: That is all I have your honor, I rest.

** Green the Lawyer posts big size pictures of Ms. Smith for the court to see **

Green: Are these pictures of you from your Sophomore year?
Smith: Yes
Green: How tall were you in those pictures?
Smith: Maybe about 4'11" or 5'
Green: How much did you weigh in those pictures?
Smith: Maybe 300 pounds.
Green: How thick are those glasses?
Smith: Maybe about 1 inch. I have really bad sight. I hope to have Surgery someday to fix it.
Green: Were you having a bad hair day on the day that this photo was taken?
Smith: Oh no!! That is actually a good day for me. Because I lived close to the Nuclear plant and was living there at the time of the small accident there several years ago, I had started to lose my hair because of the radiation. My hair is a lot better now. I just wear wigs.
Green: I think you answered all my questions. Your Honor I rest.

** Judge goes to her chambers and comes back after a few minutes to deliver her judgment **

Judge: Pursuant the precedence that was set in COHEN vs. GOOGLE back in 2009 I find that Ms. Jones comments were harmful to Ms. Smith and caused great mental stress and prevented her from climbing the social ladder. I find for the plaintiff for the 2.5 million dollars. Case Closed.

**** Loud Announcer Voice Over ****

Coming to a courtroom near you!!

**Fade Out**

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